Singles, Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Team, Strictly Scratch Singles, All Events-Scratch & Handicap


Monday, October 13, 2025   8:30 AM to 10:00 PM   Singles

Tuesday, October 14, 2025    8:30 AM to 10:00 PM   Singles and Doubles

Wednesday, October 15, 2025   8:30 AM to 10 PM    Doubles and Mixed Doubles

Thursday, October 16, 2025    8:30 AM to 10 PM    Mixed Doubles and Team

Friday, October 17, 2025    8:30 AM to 10:00 PM  Team and Strictly Scratch Singles

Saturday, October 18, 2025    Awards Social at the Dixie Center

Dixie Bowl - 146 East City Center, St. George

*Overflow Parking is available at the Washington County Parking Garage until 10:00 PM*

Singles: 5-Year Age Brackets
Doubles: 5-Year Age Brackets
Mixed Doubles: 5-Year Age Brackets
Strictly Scratch Singles: Averages (See Below)
Teams: By Divisions A, B, C, D & E.  Not age brackets
All Events - Scratch and Handicap: 5-Year Age Brackets

Individuals / Partners / Doubles and Mixed Doubles Teams: 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, 80+, 85+, 90+, 95+, 100+
Games officials reserve the right to cancel any event or combine age divisions due to insufficient entries

$18 Per Event - Singles, Doubles, Mixed Doubles and Team Events
$ 7 All Events-Scratch and Handicap (You must be registered for Singles, Doubles and Team to qualify for All Events)

Early Bird Deadline (save $40) – August 1
Final Registration Deadline – September 1

• The total number of bowlers will be limited to 192 or full squads. Register early!
• Bowling participants may not enter other sports scheduled during their Bowling event(s).
• Tournament is USBC Certified (#04016) – USBC membership is required.
• If a participant is not a USBC member, he/she must purchase a Membership card or pay a $5 Participation Fee.
• Average will be verified using USBC data.
• Participants may enter Singles, Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Team, All Events-Scratch and All Events-Handicap, but may enter each event only once.
• For doubles and team events, you and your partner MUST be registered before your individual registrations can be finalized and your team/partnership scheduled to compete.
• If you need a partner in any doubles or team event, check PartnerFinder on our website for a listing, by sport, of individuals looking for partners. Incomplete partnerships will not be scheduled.
• Women with a 160+ average and Men with a 170+ average may also enter Strictly Scratch Singles.
• For Doubles and Mixed Doubles, the age division will be determined by the age of the youngest partner.
• For Strictly Scratch Singles, the divisions will be:
Women - 160-179 Average
Men - 170-184 Average
Women - 180 - 199 Average
Men - 185-199 Average
Women - 200+ Average
Men - 200+ Average
• Teams will consist of four people. They may be all men, all women or any combination of men and women. There will be no age divisions but, depending on the number of registrations, teams may be divided into A, B, C, D & E divisions.

The entering average shall be the highest USBC Certified Book Average of at least 21 games using the following list of priorities in order (a) through (j):

(a) 2024-2025 Highest USBC Certified Book Average of at least 21 games (Sport or Challenge Averages with USBC conversion).

(b) 2024-2025 Highest USBC Certified Composite Average for all bowlers who do not have 21 games or more in one (1) League.  Sport or Challenge  with USBC conversion.

(c) 2025 Summer Highest USBC Certified Book Average of at least 21 games (Sport or Challenge Average with USBC conversion).

(d) 2023-2024 Highest USBC Certified Book Average of at least 21 games.

(e) 2023-2024 USBC Certified Composite Average for all bowlers who do not have 21 games or more in one (1) league.

(f) 2024 Highest Summer USBC Certified Book Average of at least 21 games.

(g) Current league average of 21 games or more as of October 1, 2025.

(h) 2024-2025 If you bowled in any non-USBC Certified Leagues you must submit the final standing sheets for all leagues you bowled in for average verification.   This information must be sent to Annette Chugg, Bowling Director for the Huntsman World Senior Games at e-mail: or text a photo to (435)231-5319.  I must have this information by August 20, 2025.

(i) If you have not bowled in any Leagues in 2024-2025 Season, USBC Certified or Non Certified, and have previously participated in the Huntsman World Senior Games we will use your Huntsman World Senior Games previous 3 years scores, if possible,  to assign your average.

(j) Any participant with an uncertified average must use an average determined by the Tournament Director with a 135 being the minimum average for a Women and a 165 being the minimum average for a Man.

If you have a question about your average, please contact Annette Chugg or Anne Brosier HWSG Tournament Directors.

  • Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles will each have 3 games.
  • Team Event will bowl 3 games.
  • All Events: A bowler MUST participate in Singles, Doubles or Mixed Doubles and Team Event to qualify for All Events Scratch and Handicap.
  • Strictly Scratch Singles will be one four game competition, changing lanes each game.
  • Participants must present their Huntsman World Senior Games Athlete ID Badge at check-in.
  • Participants must present their 2025-2026 USBC Paid Membership Card (or a receipt of purchase), or you can go to and print a copy of your 2025-2026 USBC Membership Card.  Participants will not be permitted to bowl until they show their USBC Membership Card.
  • Any participants unable to present 2025-2026 USBC Membership Card will be required to pay $5.00 USBC Participation Fee.  Participants who pay this fee, are not eligible for any USBC Awards.

NOTE:  Modifications may be made to the event schedule to accommodate the final number of participants in the various events


USBC Playing Rules Book 2025-2026

Age:  All Athletes must be 50 years old by December 31, 2025.  Athlete's competition age will be based on his/her age on December 31, 2025.

Handicap:  100% of 240.

Awards:  Special Huntsman World Senior Games Club Pins will be awarded.  The only USBC Awards that will be processed will be 300 Games and 800 Series.  We will not process any other USBC Awards.

Shadow Practice:  There will be 10 minutes of practice prior to the start of each squad.   There will be NO re-racks in practice.

Interrupted Games/Series:  USBC Rule #321.

If equipment failure on a pair of lanes would delay the progress of the game/series, Tournament Officials can authorize the completion of a game/series on another pair of certified lanes.  The interrupted game/ series must be resumed from the point of interruption.  There will be NO Practice upon resuming the game/series per Tournament Officials.

Tardy Players:  USBC Rule #322A.

If bowler(s) are late for their squad time, they will be allowed to bowl starting in the frame then being bowled.  They will get ZERO for all frames missed.  They will not be allowed to make-up frames.

         If a team refuses to start because a full lineup is not present, Tournament Officials, at its discretion, can declare the game forfeited.  A bowler must bowl on the same lanes and at the same time his/her team bowls.

Absentee/Vacancy Scores:  USBC Rule 322b.

            Adult tournaments:  NO absentee or vacancy scores shall be permitted.

Pacers:  USBC Rule 323:  Pacers will not be permitted.

Lineup Changes:  USBC Rule #324a.

         If a change in a team lineup is desired, it must be requested at least 30 minutes before the time the entrants are scheduled to bowl.

Bowler Withdrawn:  Rule 324b, 2-b.

         A player removed cannot return for that specific event.  Clarification:  If a Participant withdraws from Singles, they can still bowl in their Doubles, Team and Strictly Scratch events.


Substitutes must already be registered with the HWSG for Bowling and not participating in the event in which they are substituting.

Team Bowling Alone – Rule 325.

         The following applies when a team or individual is scheduled alone on a pair of lanes:

  1. Games must be bowled as though they were contested.
  2. Each player must complete a frame on one lane before the player bowling lead off starts the next frame on the adjoining lane. As long as the anchor bowler has thrown his/her first ball for the frame being bowled, the lead off can proceed to the next frame.

If bowler(s) do not show up for their appointed squad time, they will not be re-scheduled in any subsequent squad unless there is a vacancy and sufficient cause to be determined by the Director.

New USBC Rule: Any balls with extra holes in them must have a finger in the hole or it will be an illegal delivery. For those with no holes in their ball they must have the ball marked appropriately. The only ball cleaner that can be used between throws is rubbing alcohol on a towel.

Obvious errors in addition will be corrected by Sport Staff doing data input.

• Scratch takes Precedence over Handicap.
• Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles – In each age division, the three highest scratch totals and the three highest handicap totals will win Gold, Silver and Bronze medals (each Medalist will be eligible to receive only one medal per event).
• Team – In each age division, the top three scratch and the top three Handicap teams (with no team receiving two awards) will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.
• Strictly Scratch Singles – In each division, the three highest scratch series will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.
• All Events – Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals will be awarded to the top three women and men in each age division with the highest total scores for Singles, Doubles (or Mixed Doubles if not bowling Doubles) and Team events (each Medalist will be eligible to receive only one medal).
• Overall Champions – Overall Champion medal will be awarded to the woman and man with the most pins-over-average scored in Singles, Doubles (or Mixed Doubles if not bowling Doubles) and Team events.
• Special Huntsman World Senior Games Club Pins will be awarded as follows:
Bowlers with an average of 140 or less will be eligible for 175+, 200+ and 250 + Game Pins and 500+, 600+ and 700+ Series Pins.
Bowlers with an average of 175 or less will be eligible for 200+ and 250+ Game Pins and 500+, 600+ and 700+ Series Pins.
Bowlers with an average of 176 to 190 will be eligible for 250+ Game Pins and 600+ and 700+ Series Pins Bowlers with an average of 191 and higher will be eligible for 250+ Game Pins and 700+ Series Pins. Each bowler is eligible for a maximum of one of each pin.
• All medals will be awarded Saturday, Oct. 19, 10:00am – Awards Ceremony at the Dixie Convention Center grounds.

DIRECTOR(S): Annette Chugg 
(435) 231-5319 or 

ASSISTANT(S): Sue Brooks, Anne Brosier, Paula Chesnut, Susan Hill, Pearl Stucki

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