Basketball Shoot

Hot Shot
Free Throw & 3-Point Shoot

Women (Hot Shot and Free Throw/3 Pt): Monday, Oct. 6 - 8:00 am
Men (Hot Shot): Thursday, Oct. 9 - 8:00 am
Men (FT/3-Pt): Monday, Oct. 13 - 8:00 am

VENUE: Washington City Community Center, 350 North Community Center Drive, Washington

DIVISIONS: 5-Year Age Brackets
50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+, 75+, 80+, 85+, 90+, 95+, 100+
Games officials reserve the right to cancel any event or combine age divisions due to insufficient entries.

SPORT FEE: $5 Per Event

Early Bird Deadline (Save $40) – August 1
Final Registration Deadline – September 1

• Check-in at venue 45 minutes prior to start time of event (as listed above). Games ID Badge must be presented.
• Balls will be provided. If participant wishes to use his/her own ball, the ball must be official size, adhere to national standards and be approved by the Director. Basketballs must be between 7-9 psi.

• Each contestant will be allowed two rounds, one-minute each round, to make as many baskets as possible from any of the 5 designated spots. The competition will start under the basket in a lay-up spot.
• Each basket is worth 1 to 5 points depending on the spot from which it is taken:
Men: Lay-up (1 point); 15' shots (3 points); 18' shots (4 points); 20' shots (5 points)
Women: Lay-up (1 point); 12' shots (3 points); 15' shots (4 points); 17' shots (5 points)
• A bonus of 15 points will be awarded if a shooter attempts a shot from each one of the designated spots during a round. This bonus is awarded only once per one-minute round.
• Consecutive shots are not allowed from the lay-up spot. Once a lay-up shot is made, the shooter must move to an area of a different point value and attempt a shot before trying for another lay-up. If a player fails to move to a different spot after a successful lay-up, all successive lay-ups attempted and made will not count until the player moves to and attempts from another point value/area.
• Consecutive shots are allowed from any spot except the lay-up spot.
• The best single round score will determine the final score.
• Contestants must rebound their own shots.
• Shooters may use their own basketballs or those provided by the Games.
• In the case of a tie, multiple medals will be awarded.

• Each contestant will first shoot 25 free throws and will earn 1 point for each basket made. A total of 25 points is possible. Contestants are allowed 2 practice shots. If one of those is made, the contestant has the option of starting with that shot.
• Each contestant will then shoot 6 shots from the 3-Point Line (Men: 19 feet, 6 inches / Women: 16 feet 6 inches) and will earn 3 points for each basket made. (Five spots will be marked and the shooter will shoot from all five of the marked spots in order, A to F. The 6th shot may be taken from any one of the five spots). A total of 18 points is possible.
• Points for Free Throws and 3-Point Shots will be added for a final, combined score. A combined total of 43 points is possible.
• Contestants may use rebounders. 

In each event and in each age division, Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to the three highest scores. Multiple medals will be awarded for ties. Medals will be presented following competition. An Overall Hot Shot Medal will be awarded to one man and one woman with the highest combined scores of their two Hot Shot rounds.

DIRECTOR(S): Allison Christensen


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